Middle East Technical University

Computer Engineering Department

CENG7811 Applied Natural Language Processing

FALL 2024-2025


Thursday, 13:40 - 16:30



Course Objectives:

The primary objective of this course is to introduce students how to design, develop, and deploy systems that can extract insights and meaning from human language data. Students will be able to analyze text datasets, work with popular NLP libraries, and apply NLP techniques to solve real-world problems. Through lectures, discussions, and hands-on projects, students will gain a deep understanding of NLP applications, underlying structure of large language models, possible use cases and existing challenges for large language models.

Background Requirements:

Probability and Statistics (required); Python programming (required); Deep learning (strongly recommended).

Course Slides:

Introduction Session

Review of NLP Approaches & Text Semantics

Neural Models

Transformer and Tokenization

Transformer and Attention

Large Language Models (Encoder and Generative Models)

LLM Knowledge, Reasoning, and RAG

LLM Training, Prompting, and Ethical Issues

LLM Model Compression

Grading (Tentative):

Project: 50% (Progress Report 15%, Final Report 15%, Demo %20)

Paper Review and Presentation: 15% (Paper Report and Presentation 10%, Paper Implementation 5%)

Final Exam: 35% 

Project Details:

Projects will be done in groups of 2 or 3 students. Project groups will be formed by students. Project topics will be provided by the instructor (student’s project proposal can also be accepted depending on its quality and relevance to the industry applications). Each project will be assigned a mentor from the industry or academia, who will supervise the group together with the instructor. Each project group will submit a Project Progress Report and a Project Final Report (in ACL Conference Style). They will also present a Project Demonstration at the end of the semester.

Paper Review Details:

Paper Review and Presentation will be done individually. Papers will be academic publications (well-known journals or conferences). Papers will be provided by the instructor (student’s paper suggestion can also be accepted depending on its relevance to the project). Each paper will be a related work to the project topic. Students will be expected to understand, review, present, and implement the methods proposed in the papers.  The paper implementation (baseline method) will be used in the project’s experiments section to compare with the student’s proposed method.

Final Exam Details:

Final Exam will be a written exam that involves multiple questions types including but not limited to true-false, short answer, and computational questions.

Recommended Reading:
